Suzanne's Back To School Guide For Parents: Kindergarten Ready

My little boy is now five and is super keen to start big school, well Kindy. He tells people that he is going to sisters’ school, however it will now be known as his school, since sisters are going to high school and no longer the primary school. It is a shame that the girls miss being with their brother, but this cannot be helped.
It might be an understatement to say he is keen; I think he could have started during the holidays and been very happy to be at school.
One thing that I have been telling my little boy is that he needs to listen his teacher, keep his shoes on in class and to make sure that he eats his lunch. Without food my five-year-old gets very angry or otherwise known as hangry.
What do Kindergarten kids need?
A school bag
Kindy kids don’t need to carry much but a bag makes taking what you need to school so much easier. Your child’s teacher will give them a reader to bring home to learn to read, kids might be borrowing books from the library and want to put the book in their bag and of course art that your little ones create and bring home.
School Uniform
Many schools require you to wear a school uniform. Since the girls went to the same school my little boy is attending, I have most of the uniform already, although in a variety of sizes. My five year is like the twins and he has a little bitty waist so needs a micro size, size 4 shorts still fall off him! I have managed to get some smaller shorts and hopefully these will be adequate for school. I did not want to have his shorts tied too tightly he couldn’t get them off to go to the toilet. Make sure that your child if small like mine can easily untie the drawstring of the pants or get some with just elastic if you can.
A lunch box and drink bottle
Make sure that the lunch box your child has they can easily open, and the same with the drink bottle. Create snackable lunch items, like sandwiches, fruit, crackers and cheese, yoghurt and more. It might not be a surprise but little people who start school get very overwhelmed and busy, so therefore don’t eat much or anything at all. When my twins were in Kindy, they came home nearly all week with a full lunch box and when I asked why they didn’t eat their lunch they said they got busy playing (Don’t be shocked if this happens to you). Making sure that you have bite sized snacks is a good idea.
Change of clothes
Kids who are starting school are probably happy to be wearing the school uniform and looking like a big kid, even though they are more grown up they are still little. Your child might not get to the bathroom on time, get wet at school, or just get involved in messy play and all this will require new and dry clothes. As I live in an area that has four seasons in one day, I make sure to pack long pants and a jumper in case the weather gets cold. Adding a plastic bag in case there are wet clothes is recommended, as you don’t want to get all the dry things wet too.
A library bag
Kids who wish to borrow anything from the library need to have a library bag, even if they don’t borrow immediately from the library this bag will come in handy if they have artwork to bring home.
A hat
Make sure your child has a hat. At schools there is a no hat no play policy, everyone has to be sun safe.
Have sunblock in your bag. You can get sunblock that attach on the side of your bag and then your child can put a bit on their face and arms during the day.
Make sure to label everything! Kids just take off jumpers, leave water bottles and lunch boxes everywhere. When the twins were in primary the lost property basket was overflowing. You don’t want to spend more money if you don’t have to.
To ensure that my boy is getting what he needs I like to add the Caruso’s Kids & Teens Probiotic to his smoothies and breakfast cereal. One thing that is easy to make is a breakfast smoothie with banana, honey, a teaspoon of the Caruso’s Kids & Teens Probiotic and milk. This will be an instant hit and one drink that the kids will drink that they have no idea is good for them.
Starting Kindy is a big milestone and one that will exhaust your child, when they come home, they will be tired and out of sorts. Another thing to remember is that if you ask your child what they did at school 9 times out of 10 they will not remember, or tell you I don’t know, I forget or give you a very strange story that makes you wonder what they did all day.
I am looking forward to how my little boy grows and learns at big school. My little one is ready for his next adventure and needs the stimulation of primary school, so he is now counting the days of when big school starts.